
  1. B

    Programming w/ MT Power Drummer: Splash Issues

    Hey Guys, I've been using MT Power Drummer to program drums for my songs. And, I was wondering how you guys mix the splash? There doesn't seem to be a specific track for the splash cymbal in the plugin's own mixer. I will show a screen shot below too. So, how do you mix the splash then? I am...
  2. ChugThisBoy

    Buying new studio monitors - please advise.

    Hi folks. I have some hard time deciding which monitors I should buy as my next "update" to the current ones. There's so much to choose from and I wanted to know some opinions before I pull the trigger. Budget is something about $300 for a pair. I know it ain't much but it's definitely enough...
  3. TwitTheShred

    Free Guitar Light Lesson!

    Hi Guys, I just started doing some Free Video Lessons, check it out and let me know what you think =] I am open to critisisim. EDIT: Appolgies for the rough title, rushing around at work isn't the best place to do this! also i can not get...
  4. S

    Starting out on 7 string

    Hey guys, I have been reading this forum for a while even though I haven't really been much of a seven string player. I always find good info on PUs and amps here. Recently my band and I have decided to change over to seven string guitars. We have been playing in drop C for the last...
  5. F

    Anyone know how to cover the hole the Middle pickup left behind?

    I am doing a refinishing on a Ibanez S470 I got from Ebay, and I dont want to have a middle pickup, but also dont want to have that hole showing, I am going to veneer the top, but its a very thin veneer. any suggestions or help would be nice :scratch:
  6. neurosis

    Huge doubts on a trade (RG7620 GAS)

    Hello everybody. As some of you know I sold my heavy loaded RG1527 a few months ago. This is a mistake I will always regret I think, since I have been missing it so much. A few days ago I got an offer for my LTD Alexi 600 Blacky (which I got for dirty cheap a few weeks ago and love). The guy...