amp heads

  1. vontis

    For Ampeg VH 140c

    Where i can find the Ampeg VH 140c in europe? Or something like that..rack,other amp head (with low money), etc.
  2. Q

    Engl savage 120 vs Engl retro tube 100

    Hey guys, I'm new to this site and I'd really like some help because I'm looking to buy a new amp. From looking around I've found I like the sound of the Engl savage 120, but I also asked Ola Englund what he would recommend and he said the Engl retro tube. This got me curious about this amp. I...
  3. 7stringDemon

    B-52 AT100 vs ATX100

    Hey guys! First off, I';d like to say that I didn't put this in the Review section because I've only been messing with the ATX100 for about 7 or 8 hours. It's plenty of time to get a decent review, but not a full, in depth one if I had had it for, say, 6 months or so. Today, I got to have an...
  4. M

    Power Conditioner with tube amp head?

    I was just wondering if anyone could tell me why it is that power conditioners are so commonly used with racks but not with tube amp heads. Are heads not damaged by power surges and brownouts? I recently ordered my first tube amp (an EVH 5150 III 50W) and was wondering how best to care for it...
  5. W

    Peavey 6505+ (Recommendations)

    I just got a new 6505+ head, it is my first real tube amp. Anyone know what cab best suits it? I have already have a tone idea but I just want to know what gives the best result in your opinion. I play that with a Agile Septor with d-marzio pick up. Any problems other than the noice/buzz i...
  6. A

    Really simple question

    I bought myself a Bugera 6262 amp head. The company I bought the head from didn't have any in stock and for whatever reason were not getting any. Because I was left waiting for so long the company have given me the combo amp 6262-212 for no extra cost. I don't use the combo speakers as I already...
  7. mike0

    5150 w/JC-120 vs Sig X

    hi everybody! i have a 5150 now, and the sound isn't really sticking wit me. don't get me wrong, i love the distortion and tone i can get out of it, i think that the problem is that it just doesn't do enough (i.e. not enough versatility), and it doesn't seem tight enough (maybe i'm just being...
  8. Xenos0176

    Amp advice

    I've been playing guitar for 6 years now but i still don't know a whole lot about amps. I have a Crate FlexWave Series FW120HS 120W Half-Stack , but the head keeps breaking and i have to send it in to get it fixed again. I paid $500 for the stack, i'm considering getting a new head or a new...
  9. El Caco

    Rock Block by Surprise Sound Lab I was just showing the guys in chat this and noticed it hasn't been discussed before so here's the thread. Inspired by the Zvex Nano, it's a 1W head that can also be used as a pedal and uses readily available tubes so you can experiment. I am keen on hearing...
  10. lambofhowe

    New amp day coming up!HELP!

    So I've recently come into some money as a Grade 12 graduation present and coupled with my savings, I have pretty much enough money to get any head I want (barring a Diezel:rolleyes: ) 2700$ is pretty much my limit, new or used. The only amps in stores here are Kranks and Randall's, and they...
  11. 7 Dying Trees

    Giving up on the amp crusade?

    Well, I think this forum has fueled my desire to go and pick up an expensive amp for no other reason than to have a backup that's ridiculous if that makes sense... After now needing to get a new FX processor and realising that the funds for that uber-amp will be quite a way off, I am now...