
  1. ittoa666


    I noticed how much all of you guys seem to like cky, so I figured I'd start up a thread for us to have general cky discussion on. I never really got into An answer can be found. Something was missing. Anyone else?
  2. D

    Ibanez RG1527 Appreciation Thread

    Everyone loves a classic Ibby and when I got my 1527 I loved it! The feel is phenomenal and I personally put EMGs in for my taste! Not to bad of a price either. I love 1527s!
  3. 7 Dying Trees

    RG1077xl appreciation thread

    Well, I am really enjoying this guitar, it's just so snappy sounding and tight, and plays great! I still haven't got it set up with my choice of retard heavy strings, but so far it is awesome! I'd played a rg7421xl for a month or so, but really didn't like it that much. The sound was good, but...
  4. 7 Dying Trees

    Wah Appreciation Thread

    Seeing as it's a staple part of my rig, and seeing as I've had one ever since about 3 months after i got a guitar, it's about time there was a thread dedicated to one of the most usefull effects ever :) So, questions: 1) How many wah's do you own? 2) What wah's have you owned? 3) Favorite...