
  1. broj15

    NAD - Tube Heresy

    For quite some time now I've really enjoyed playing older class AB solid state amps and using them as a clean pedal platform, but lately I've been thinking about what it would be like to use a tube amp again since the rest of my set up has changed so much since the last time I owned one...
  2. Gmork

    Fender bassman 135 as LOUD pedal platform???

    Hey gang, theres a bassman 135 head locally that im thinking of but reading conflicting things on its loudness/headroom (big surprise i know) Has anyone used one with distortion/fuzz pedals in a very loud band? Really want to hear some first hand experiences.
  3. broj15

    Questions about a 1995 bassman cab / potential NR(ig)D

    So on a whim I decided to swing by the pawn shop a couple blocks from my house today (yes they were open the Sunday before labor day!?) And waaaaay in the back was a sunny beta bass head (no housing so it looks like it was possibly removed from a combo) and a 2x15 fender bassman cab. After...
  4. S

    Should I sell my Bassman for an Amp Sim? What would you do? Helix vs. BIAS vs. Kemper

    A few month back I ended up selling my Axe Fx Ultra for 800$ - I tried to sell it for more but the demand just isn't there here in Portugal, most guitarists are misinformed valve snobs who are oblivious to the current state of digital modelling and don't even care about what these machines...
  5. AngryMcMuffin

    HELP! Plush Royal 1060 S

    Okay, I just came across a Plush Royal 1060 S bass amp with matching 2x15 cab. I want to get it and use it for guitar, it's $550, I was told it is basically a Fender Bassman copy from the early 70s. I need someone to tell me something about these before I invest money in my first all tube amp.