bias mod

  1. Petar Bogdanov

    6505MH: Guts & Biasing

    Some say it's made of metal... After marketing for rock didn't work. Sadly, like most amps, the tubes are taller than the transformers. It has to be propped up to be worked on. At least the transformers are similar height. Tube layout - the preamp tubes seem to use some kind of a shielding...
  2. T

    Just got BIAS by Positive Grid, recording question

    Hey All, I have a quick question, I have been trying to self record for many years now. Most of my projects don't make it too far because I am never satisfied with my sound I am getting. I recently got BIAS after watching many reviews and reading up on it. I thought it would fix some problems...
  3. InnerDignity

    Peavey 6505+ tube biasing

    Hello, I'm terribly sorry. I was attemting to search for a similar thread but my phone isnt letting me. Anyway I want to bias my power tubes in my 6505+ but I'm having alittle trouble understanding exactly what I'm suppose to do. I get the basic idea but some things I'm still unsure of. Like...
  4. G

    Peavey 5150 II adjustable bias mod?

    I'm getting a peavey 5150 II tomorrow and heard that there is an adjustable bias to make it run hotter. Is this true, and is it something I can do myself?
  5. Josh Lawson

    Peavey Butcher Bias Mod and Test Points

    Most PV amps are bias very cold. The Butcher is almost an exception, the Power tubes run at 26Ma. This is not quite right when you do the math. 30W divided by 485V = 61.8Ma max dissipation. Multiply this bu 70% and you get 43.3Ma. So my friend and I installed a 1k variable bias in R52 (see the...
  6. 7 Dying Trees

    5150 Modded, Biased

    So yeah, I finally got round to doing the bias mod on the 5150, biasing it, and retubing it, and man, results are excellent! The amp is: - Much tighter, especially noticable on the bottom end - Has more grind - Cuts more - Is louder - Cleans are possible, but they're not great, but then again...