
  1. p0ke

    ARGH, Gojiraaaaa!!!!11 :O (new Gojira-inspired riffs)

    I was supposed to work on some melodic riffs today, but my Jackson DK-2 disagreed and gave me these riffs instead :shred: What do you guys think, should I make a full song out of these? And is my tone good enough for this kind of stuff or do I need to tweak it somehow...
  2. RichIKE

    NAD (Egnater Content)

    So here it is, the amp i have been searching for for the past year and a half. This think is perfect for me, it has a beautiful clean channel and does the brootalz quite well (despite what internet gear people had to say). Tell me if you want more pics. The ability to switch between el34 and 6l6...
  3. H


    I'm not really new, but I just figured out how to post new threads...... sooo Hello!!
  4. Uber Mega

    New Opeth album finished & ready for release

    ...aka "Mikael Akerfeldt and Friends", anyway, here's a January 10th interview with Mikael, modest as ever :D: "Anything else... Hmmmm... let's see... Oh... of course... the album is done, mixed and all. I'm listening to it right now! I want to boast, but I'll keep it together and do it later...