celiak: no wang at all

  1. Randy

    NGD (56k - Polish your old spanex pants)

    Slow day at the office. *yawn* Cruising the forum as usual. My belly starts grumbling a little bit... Hmph... what time is it? LUNCHTIME!, that's what friggin' time it is. Just as I'm getting ready to leave, I hear a voice in the distance... FUCK EATING, YOU NOOB! GO TO...
  2. loktide

    The "I think threads about overrated stuff being overrated are overrated" Thread

  3. djpharoah

    250k Thread - 100k is back

    It is back on the following conditions. 1) No Porn pictures/content/links/download/etc. 2) No NSFW pictures/content/links/download/etc. 3) No Pissing Matches/racism 4) Follows Majority of OT Rules If you break one of the rules above - its sleepy time. Also if you post shit outside this...
  4. Randy

    Mock-ups of Pure :icbm: - Randy Edition

    Good Evening Comrades, Greeting from the Soviet nation of Groffistan-Arktanistan. In my country, we're big fans of alcohol, poop-jokes, violence and also guitars and the heavy metal musics. All of these things are true. What is also true is that we require instruments that, how you say...
  5. Groff

    Quote of the day

    From a e-mail I get every day. I like this one. "The greatest tragedy in mankind's entire history may be the hijacking of morality by religion." -Arthur C. Clarke, science fiction writer (1917-2008)
  6. Chris

    100k Reply Contest

    Testing the limits of the SQL DB, might extend this / do another afterwards. Post # 100,000 gets something. Probably a sticker or so. Rules: No porn, no NWS, same as the rest of OT. Post-whore at will. Those of you hating spam threads, just ignore this one when it comes up in a New...