christian howes

  1. ShreddyESP

    NGD: Sabre Guitars SSM-1 (Extremely pic heavy!)

    I travelled down to the Sabre workshop yesterday and picked up my GORGEOUS build. I can't even begin to describe how amazing this guitar looks in person, and the attention to detail is just phenomenal. For now i'm only going to post pictures, and i'll do a proper video/text review once i get...
  2. ShreddyESP

    My Sabre Multiscale Ghost 7 Build!

    Hello there! Let's start with a little backstory, I had to sell 5 of my guitars last year to fund my Daemoness build. After getting my Daemoness, i got hit by GAS again, and i needed a second instrument. I looked around for a couple of weeks, I had my eye on a S7 Boden* (glad i didn't go that...