combo amp

  1. H

    Cheap Combo plus Amp in a box - advice please

    Hi Everyone. Old casual bedroom headbanger here. I'm using a 7 string into DAW with Mercurial Audio amp box into studio monitors/headphones on normal days. I might have found someone to play with recently and looking for some small combo amp up to 50-60W. I've experienced those before and never...
  2. Gmork

    Best gigable 1x12 COMBOS as pedal platforms.

    Really into 1x12 tube combos atm. Looking for some that are loud with a tonne of headroom and have a big deep/bold lowend/mids. Will be getting my gain etc from pedals. Whatcha got?

    Cheap combo that ships with the best stock speaker?

    In your opinion, what cheap combo ships with the best stock speaker? It can be tube or not. Curious, as I find that speakers are a huge part of tone.
  4. broj15

    New Apartment Means a New Rig

    So I just moved into a new apartment and I'm looking for a small combo to play through so I don't have to drive over to my (extremely hot) practice space to plug in. I already have a big boy amp for shows and playing with a drummer, so I'm just looking for something that I can get decent tones...
  5. Vince Caruana

    Randall rg 150 watt head vs 2x12 150 watt combo?

    I'm looking into buying a new amp. I definitely want the Randall. I'm only looking for a 2x12, something that sounds good at bedroom and band settings. Im not sure if I want to buy the head and a 2x12 to hook it up to or just buy the 2x12 combo. The settings are exactly the same as far as I see...
  6. Semi-pro

    NAD - Marky Mark and the chunky bunch!

    PIC 1st! I sold my Mark V head a few years ago to fund my EVH stack+pedalboard which I needed at the time. Still got that rig and love it, but I missed the Boogie ever since. Recently I came across with this pretty little thing and had a guitar that I didn't need and voilá, a trade happened...
  7. U

    Combo amp for old prog rock, versatility

    I'm looking for a combo amp that I can primarily play progressive rock on. Stuff like Yes, Rush, King Crimson, Porcupine Tree, Genesis, primarily a type of amp that I can throw a lot of effects at. I also have an overdrive and a fuzz so I'll be putting some distortion on it at times but not the...
  8. cwhitey2


    So in a couple threads I created I mentioned that I wanted an Archon. Well Zzounds has their 12 month payment I decided now was the time. Pics: Yeah I got the el34 version. Honestly what else is there to say. :lol: I played the 6l6 version this past week...
  9. Cobhc221

    New Peavey Valve King models

    has anyone played these yet? i saw Bulb and Nolly playing one on their Instagram and was pretty impressed with what they offer. im not straying from ENGL but i wouldnt mind having a small tube amp for practicing.
  10. AngryMcMuffin

    Does Anybody Know About Peavey Clasic 50 4x10 Amps?

    Hey, I have the chance to get this Peavey Classic 50 4x10 amp, I just don't know if the price is right, I think the amp will suit my needs, but he's not willing to go any lower on it. I've attached a picture of the ad, which has a crappy picture of the amp itself. Please help me out, I'm aching...
  11. W

    Best Tube Combo Amps

    Hey everyone, I was hoping some of you could help me out. I'm looking for a great sounding mid sized combo amp, My half stack is too inconvenient to bring around to jam or play some of the smaller venues around town, and the only other amps I have are small solid state and aren't loud enough...
  12. The Mighty Sunfish

    NAD Kustom KG210 FX

    So I was able to get myself a new amp finally for Christmas. I find it to be quite the decent 20 watt practice amp. :shred: It's got 2 channels (lead & rhythm), 2 stock speakers, external speaker output, effects loop and an aux input. Speaker quality is a little meh but I'm happy cause...
  13. A

    Really simple question

    I bought myself a Bugera 6262 amp head. The company I bought the head from didn't have any in stock and for whatever reason were not getting any. Because I was left waiting for so long the company have given me the combo amp 6262-212 for no extra cost. I don't use the combo speakers as I already...
  14. Metal Justice

    Would it be worth it?

    I interested in getting a new amp head but Money is an issue. I am in love with the 6505 but obviously the price is out of my range. I was thinking about trading my Peavey XXL head for a 6505 combo 112 and just run it through my 4x12 and use it as a head and just use it as a combo at friends I...