
  1. Gmork

    Confused about ampeg vh140c footswitch hookup, please help

    can anyone out there with experience with the ampeg vh140c head help? i have the original footswitch with an input for the ch/reverb and another input for chorus. i have a regular guitar cord going into the ch/rvrb but it only changes the channel. 1 - do i need a stereo guitar cord to make...
  2. classicalmetal24

    Cover Songs - backing track/original audio

    Hi guys/girls, I'm wondering if anyone has an answer to my question. Basically, I learn a lot of songs, know a lot of dream theater songs, iron maiden etc.. The thing is I don't really like play to the original audio because I don't want the original guitar bleeding through while I am playing...
  3. classicalmetal24

    Fully programmable metronome

    I need a programmable metronome for practising some complex songs, the songs involve many time changes but also the note values constantly change per beat, 32nd, 16th, to sextuplets and seven against four notes. As an example, what I need to do is be able to say, ok for four measures be 7/8 and...
  4. T

    One confusing bc this guitar has thrown me for a loop since i got it. it is a bc rich warlock, but beyond that i cant figure out a damn thing about it. it might be some kind of frankenstein custom job, but i just dont know. i was told it was a '74, but all of my research indicates otherwise. when...