
  1. Erium

    Power Drill Project Almost Complete!

    This guitar began life as a satin orange Charvel DK24. I liked the guitar so much that I took a power drill to it. Hurting the ones you love is just so much more satisfying. Well, this came out the other side. That's right chitterlings, all of the body cutting, re-shaping, and sanding was done...
  2. P

    Crazy bass sketch WIP - Super long scale conversion neck for Warmoth Gecko

    Hi, After a long absence, I present something I've been working on for the past month: The scale length is 49.5", so a standard string set* would tune F0 Bb0 Eb1 Ab1 Db2, a tritone lower than standard tuning. This neck is meant to allow greater expansion into the sub-contra and super...
  3. jonajon91

    So the teuffel birdfishjust got +1upped

    So most of us are probably familiar with the birdfish. Picture if not. I always assumed it would be years before someone out did this in terms of crazyness. *ahem* Wut? SO we are looking at a double neck true temperament guitar built by spalt instruments. I was going to make a thread about...
  4. Cyanide_Anima

    Alex Jones is Crazy: A musical interlude.

    Heya fellow sevenstringers! As the title of this posts reads I made a tune with some rantings and ravings of madman Alex Jones included. Let him speak da troof! Lulzy The Documents! (Save State 0) by Insecticide Rain on SoundCloud - Hear the world
  5. crg123

    Crazy Guy on the Subway - "Honkies Stole My Dollar"

    BEST THING EVER Skip 33- 1:15 he's just counting his money. Someone should cover his "Honkie" song haha.
  6. Glyph

    Am I crazy, you tell me

    So I have a Carvin Dc727 with PAF pro and a Tone lab in the bridge, I believe that is the same pick-up selection Mr. Vai has in his Jem7... I believe(If I am wrong I am sorry) I love this guitar, it plays fantastic. It has one small ding in the back around the size of a No.2 pencil eraser head...
  7. isispelican

    "Spiral Visuals" crazy ambient-metal

    new song, this one is quite different and crazy! check it out! Falling With The Rain - Spiral Visuals - YouTube gibson les paul classic (ezmix2) squier 5 string jazz bass (TSE BOD + GR5) sd2.0 + samples
  8. LeviathanKiller

    The "Stupid Stuff the Audience Says" Thread

    Every now and often we get people from the audience who come up to us and say things that just don't make any sense at all or they're totally hilarious. This thread is dedicated to those comments and the people who say them. :lol: Just remember dear audience, we love you, but you're crazy...
  9. lilpendragon

    Woman from a record label harassing my band, don't know what to do.

    I manage for a local metal band. We are unsigned and I mostly do promotions, book shows, keep the websites updated, and write record labels. At one of our more recent shows this rep from a record label gave us her information so we could give her a press kit to give to her boss. Our drummer...
  10. tacotiklah

    Last night was fantastic....

    So my band Sociopath did its first show with our new line-up. (im the only founding member) For our first outing we had a ton of people there and everyone of them moshed. It was the biggest pit Ive ever seen at a show here locally. There were more people at our show than when Suffocation and...
  11. JerkyChid

    Random GAS ramblings

    Since I'm back in school again and funds are low I have to watch myself. However.. I find GAS building more and more. I've never felt quite like this before.. It all started with I began to tune my 7 to G#, I wanted lower and noticed I didn't use the high C# much so I began thinking about...
  12. Jongpil Yun

    Chicago Democratic Rep. Monique Davis is Batshit Insane

    Change of Subject - Observations, reports, tips, referrals and tirades | Chicago Tribune | Blog Choice quotes from a dear elected representative to an (atheist) citizen questioning a $1,000,000 grant to Pilgrim Baptist Church: "I don’t know what you have against God, but some of us don’t...
  13. quartie

    The almighty, amazing, absurd folding guitar!

    Point... of.... it...?! "Just launched at the Musikmesse in Frankfurt by Swedish start-up the DeVillain Guitar Company, the Centerfold guitar solves a problem that every guitarist has experienced: portability. The folding guitar is a patent-pending product developed by an airline pilot who's...
  14. HamBungler

    The Crazy Tunings Thread

    Have any crazy/interesting tunings that you have randomly discovered? Just today I was jamming around with a buddy and decided to demonstrate some Djent, and discovered that GGCFAD is an awesome tuning! The octave chords are a lot of fun and its great to experiment with! Discuss! :agreed:
  15. Korngod

    Myspace Email from COW

    so Christian had some bulletin posted on myspace about wanting ideas for band names for his side project in the works. in a reply i told him i was considering buying a new COW 7 string... one day... so what does he do? he writes back telling me that he has a red 7 string forsale...