
  1. Lorcan Ward

    Diablo IV

    This looks promising! I loved I + II but never gave III a chance. This is a return to form anyway!
  2. JoeGuitar717

    Guitar Logistics - Express #2

  3. A

    Metal Version of the "Tristram Theme" from Diablo I, II, and III

    Hey guys! My name is Mat, and I create metal arrangements of classic video game songs. I'm brand new to this site. Since I used a seven-string guitar in my latest video, I thought maybe someone from here would enjoy it. It's the "Tristram Theme" from the Diablo games metalized: I apologize...
  4. M

    Young Guitar magazine amplifier sound test on youtube

    found this, looks like reamping the same licks through various heads;
  5. FYP666


    This is a finnish melodic death metal band. They have released already 5 albums since 2000, but the band was fromed in -95. I've been listening to em' for good 3 years now. And they rule :hbang: Icaros: Mimic47: Tell me, what do ya think? :yesway:/:noway:?