dimarzio liquifire 7

  1. B

    Emg 57-7/66-7 vs dimarzio liquifire/crunchlab.

    Im using the schecter JL-7 2014 model with emg 57/66 pickups and honestly it sounds great but im always open for improvement. I also have a ibanez rg 7321 which I traded at some point and that has got dimarzio pickups in it. Will it be an upgrade or a downgrade to put them in? Im basically...
  2. M

    NGD/NPD - Ibanez RG7421 MIJ w/ Dimarzio Crunch Lab/Liquifire

    Hi guys, I just got an Ibanez RG7421. It's an old guitar, made in Japan, 1999. After getting it, I changed the pickups from the V7-7/V8-7 to the Dimarzio Crunch Lab/Liquifire set and the bridge to the Hipshot fixed bridge. Also put a pair of black pearl knobs on! Looks and sounds awesome! I'm...
  3. Vince Caruana

    NGD Ibanez RG7421 with a Crunchlab/Liquifire set

    I picked one of these used on Ebay for about 300 after shipping. Bought a case, pickups and got a setup and spent just under 700. Would have been alot cheaper but had to get a pickup installation and a setup at guitar center because I dont know how to do these things properly myself. Regardless...
  4. D

    Attention all tone freaks (pickup forum)

    So I have a Schecter 8 string with Seymour-Duncan Blackouts in the neck & bridge. I liked them at first because they're very punchy and the mid range is pretty solid, but as I continue to use them I realize there are some limitations to their dynamics, so I'm leaning towards passive pickups. I...
  5. E

    Ibanez RG7321 - BKP and Dimarzio Combo

    Hello guys! I have an old Ibanez RG7321 from like 2011 and I haven't really used it since 2013, now I'm gonna pimp it and mod the shit out of it, I'm planning on buying some Sperzel Locking Tuners, get it set up, cleaned, paint job, blablabla, but I have a doubt. I wanna put a BKP...
  6. A

    Dimarzio Liquifire vs. SD Sentient

    Looking for a neck pickup for my basswood body, maple neck, rosewood fretboard guitar. I've heard amazing things about both pups, and although I'm sure there have already been posts about this, I want to gather whatever insight I can possibly get before pulling the trigger. I play mostly...
  7. A

    Lundgren m7 or liquifire 7 on neck?

    hey guys,I have shcecter jeff loomis 7 string with floyd rose.the body is ash btw.so I have decided to put a lundgren m7 for bridge,and I can`t decide for the neck,m7 neck,or dimarzio liquifire 7?! if I put liquifire in the neck,and m7 in bridge,does it sound good?does these two make a good...
  8. guitarneeraj

    Dimarzio 7 string Crunchlab/Liquifire combo [DE/EU]

    Brief & Accurate Description of gear/guitar: Dimarzio Crunchlab & Liquifire 7 string pickups. Good amount of lead wire left. Prefer to sell both as a set, thanks! Modifications (if any): They are originally black but I put white bobbin stickers to have a reverse zebra look. The bobbin stickers...
  9. A

    Loud bang when switching pickups.

    I'm having a DiMarzio Liquifire 7 installed in my Ibanez RGA7. The guy I brought it to put it in and everything works fine but there's a loud banging noise whenever I flip the toggle switch. I've never had this happen when changing pickups and my guy has no idea what's causing it either. Any...
  10. H

    EMG 707TWs to DiMarzio CL/LF 7 set

    Hi. I´m going to change my pickups from actives to passives in my Schecter Hellraiser C-7. I don´t know what things I need to replace other than pots. I´m going to use 2 DiMarzio 500k Push-Pull volume pots to split both pickups. Also going to buy a killswitch button. Can you...
  11. A

    Pickups for an RGD2127z

    Alright, well this is my first thread so I'll start by saying hey to everyone at ss.org! Anyway here is the problem. I plan to buy an Ibanez RGD2127z once I save up enough $$ but i know that the stock pickups will most likely be lacking so I'm trying to get an idea of what to replace them with...
  12. El Caco

    DiMarzio Crunch Lab and Liquid Fire 7

    Description: These are in very good condition, I want to trade for some Seymour Duncans. I'd prefer to keep the trade in Australia but if OS is interested I'll look into shipping costs. Modifications: None Accessories: None Location: Agnes Water Qld Australia Contact Info: PM me here or at 7HO...
  13. R

    Late NGD: Ibanez RG7627 + Crunch Lab 7 and Liquifire 7!

    While some of you from jemsite have seen this over there, though it'd be more appropriate to post this here as well :) so my UVGR is getting "mature" and I needed a 'backup' just in case something goes wrong with my GR... I got this beast a while ago from another jemsite member a few weeks...