drum machine

  1. broj15

    So who wants to talk about synthesizers?

    Since this is a guitar forum probably no one, but I figured it was worth a shot :lol:. Either way, of you actually DO dabble with hardware synths let's talk about. What do you have? What do you wish you had? Links to any music you've made? Tips and tricks for fellow synth nerds? And of course...
  2. broj15

    Hardware synth/DAW-less electronic music production

    Definitely not this forums forte, but since this is one of the better online music forums I thought I'd see if there was any interest in the topic on here. Wasn't even sure if this should go in the gear sub or the production sub so if mods wanna move it (or delete because this isn't relating to...
  3. I

    Help improve my drum mix?

    Just as a test of Volumes' song Vahle, curious to know how I can improve upon the drum mix. I spent little time tweaking it to sound more human/changing cymbal samples/etc (did change the kick to a Steven Slate sample as well as the snare) so try not to focus on the lack of perfection. I'm...