
  1. georg_f

    Flame Top Hollow Tele + Alcoholic Ink Pickguard (pics + video)

    This is by far my most extensive guitar project yet. I've never did the whole wood dying and finishing process before, but I think it turned out great so far. It's not completely finished yet though. Here's a video I've made (with seemingly thousands of edits): The special thing about it, is...
  2. C

    Bucket List Thread

    So, I just thought it would be cool for everyone to post their bucket lists (things you want to do before you die). What can I say, I'm weird :fawk: Here's mine: -Write and release a series of concept albums -Kick Bill O'reilly in the nuts :lol: -Take LSD in a padded cell with a few friends...
  3. Kagami

    As I Lay Dying - An Ocean Between Us

    Another cheesy cd title from AILD... but this CD is pretty freaking sick \m/ :hbang: :metal: :mf666: you guys should check it out.