
  1. broj15

    NAD - Tube Heresy

    For quite some time now I've really enjoyed playing older class AB solid state amps and using them as a clean pedal platform, but lately I've been thinking about what it would be like to use a tube amp again since the rest of my set up has changed so much since the last time I owned one...
  2. guitaardvark

    What is the most sustainable finish to use on a guitar?

    Hey all, My dad and I are getting into building guitars for fun. I feel very strongly about climate change, so our challenge is to use as much reclaimed wood as possible and make everything sustainably sourced and non-toxic. We've located some good wood to use, but we're considering our...
  3. broj15

    Any love for OLD SCHOOL solid state amps?

    Thought this could be a fun thread, though I'm not sure how much traction it will get around here, but why not give it a shot. So who here has a thing for vintage solid state amps? I'm talking early Peavey, Plush, Earth, kustom (the older ones), Traynor, Sunn, Acoustic Control Corp. etc. I'm...
  4. Taylord

    Calling Drummer and Vocalist! Southeast NM.

    Hey guys, our band "Earth Brothers" is a studio band looking for a drummer and vocalist to collaborate with and ultimately start playing shows. Here is our bandcamp with our double EP that we released earlier this year. We are going for a style similar to...
  5. AlexQ1993

    Mix Test - Elitist cover with Pod HD Pro

    This was the first time I did a full cover with programmed drums. I was hoping to get some feedback on the mix. I feel like it's decent but I'm trying to work on making it sound less distant. There's something about all my recordings that seems to be a bit empty sounding that I can't put my...
  6. ohio_eric

    The End of the World beautifully digitally rendered

    It's the End of the World as we Know it is Today's BIG Thing - SEP 09, 2008 This is pretty amazing to watch.
  7. Leon

    Global Warming; Volume 272, Issue 314

    Scientist: 'Arctic is screaming' - my favorite part: Melting of sea ice and Greenland's ice sheets also alarms scientists because they become part of a troubling spiral. White sea ice reflects about 80 percent of the sun's heat off Earth, NASA's Zwally said. When there is no sea...