ed roman

  1. powergroover

    TTK's Exclusive Footage of The Ed Roman Custom Shop(vid content)

    An exclusive look at The Ed Roman Custom Shop, Las Vegas Nevada : The Tone King | TheToneKing.com :noplease::shrug::spock::scratch: dunno what to say. . . . .
  2. loktide

    The "I think threads about overrated stuff being overrated are overrated" Thread

  3. hufschmid

    Horrible Guitar Land!

    I'm inspiring myself of a thread from a french forum.... Basically you must post pictures of guitars or basses or even ugly hardware you think are the epic winners of pure ugly fail... This can also be a great source of inspiration :D :rofl: For exemple :D
  4. Popsyche

    He's Back! (Ed Roman content)

    From Music & Sound Retailer Roman Reopens after Brief Hiatus (Port Washington, NY - October 29, 2007) Ed Roman is back. He opened a new store in October at 4721 Dean Martin Drive about a block away from his previous location in Las Vegas. The holding company that had purchased Roman’s...
  5. Justin Bailey

    Ed roman hates japanese guitars so much...

    ... that he introduced a line of guitars that look exactly like them :lol: Guitars - Scorpion Guitars - Ed Roman Guitars
  6. W4D


    That is right! Ed Roman is going out of business. Las Vegas-based Ed Roman Guitars, known as “The World’s Largest Guitar Store,” began liquidating its assets on June 13. This comes six months after Roman sold the business to a company operating area car dealerships. According...