
  1. J

    music and emotions

    hello all together, if you are interested in participating in an online study about music and emotions, have a look! We have a study ongoing, where we test a short version of a music-emotion scale. You would just have to rate different songs erxcerpts in their emotional response and repeat this...
  2. scottro202

    Cool Little Song Writing "Exercise". "Playing What You Feel"

    Here's a little exercise I kinda made up, which I got from this article from the creator of "The Universe" (The guitar, not the actual universe you numbnut ;) ) Vai.com > Little Black Dots > Martian Love Secrets > Part 3: Emulating a State of Experience Here's what you do. 1. Get a...
  3. JaeSwift

    Moody & heavy new song (Pod GX, BKP Painkillers, Ibanez K7)

    Hello ss.org, I just finished my latest song, so that's 4 total (or 2 really, considering the fact that the first 2 are place holders since I was very in-experienced with mixing, editing etc.). In any case, this song is incredibly moody and very special to me. The little solo at the intro is...

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