engl 530 preamp

  1. D

    Metal amp for bedroom

    Morning guys, This is my first post so sorry if its in the wrong place. Basically the story so far is I have recently purchased a Blackstar ht-5 head and a Harley Benton 2X12 cab. However The Blackstar is WAYYY to loud for where I am practicing. So its back to the drawing board of finding a...
  2. I

    Engl e530 question

    Hey, I've done some research and settled on getting a Engl e530 with a Harley Benton 212 Cab. The Engl says that it has a 1.5 x 2 watt 4 ohm power amp in it and also says it can be used with other various things like headphones and speakers. My question is can it only be used with 4 ohm cabs and...
  3. S

    Problems with mosvalve 962 power amp

    Hello all, I was hoping someone here would have some insight into a problem I have. Just traded for an ENGL E530 and a mosvalve 962. When I try to get sound out of the rig I am getting an extremely loud hum from the mosvalve and nothing else. There is also extremely loud popping when I...
  4. M

    Power/pre amp help?

    HOLA HOMIES! Quick question... I'm starting to build a rack head. More specificly building something so that i can use a Pod HD pro live. Right now i have a Randall v2 as a head but it's not "floating my boat" so to speak. What would i need to get to have a head that I could use to run a...
  5. itsthezex

    Tone help? (Engl 530 Preamp)

    Hey guys, I was just wondering if anyone could help me out with my Engl 530 preamp. What would I need in order to get a tone that sounds fairly similar to Wretched's? (In terms of settings, poweramps, etc.) IE: Let me know, thanks.