engl e530 preamp

  1. J

    Marshall JH-1 as preamp booster

    Hi there, this is my first post so I hope to writ it in the right section. So my question is pretty straight forward... anyone has ever tried to use the Marshall JH-1 pedal as a preamp booster? I play basically metal tones...something between thrash and death. My preamp is an Engl e530 and...
  2. S

    Engl e530 test - Master's Apprentices intro

    Just got myself a new Engl e530 so decided to do a short test recording. Here's what I used Guitar - Ibanez RGR 08 Ltd > Engl e530 > Cab Impulse > Line6 UX2 Bass - Spector Rex4 > Line6 UX2 (Bass tone via Podfarm) Drums - Superior Drummer 2 What do you guys think of the tone and how do...

    ENGL E530 issues! help!

    ive been having some trouble with my engl pre amp. after running fine for a few moments it gets short volume spikes, cracking and popping, and hissing noises and then goes away. sort of like an old tube going bad. but it still does it with new tubes. ive changed all cords, different guitars...
  4. Jimbo_of_the_dead

    Issues with Engl E530

    I keep having issues with my pre amp. I originally thought it was my power amp but im curious if its the engl now. Perhaps time to replace the tube(s). I dont know whats in it and ive only had it a couple weeks and i honestly keep forgetting it has tubes. Its so small! Problem: after its...
  5. Joshua_Bolling

    Engl e530 with 8 string?

    Hey everyone, ive noticed that some guy posted something about the Engl e570, it made me curious because I too have been wanting one. But, ive never heard one in person. I do play 8 string with either tuned down a half step or a whole step. I'm trying to find something that is bedroom and gig...
  6. E

    Yet another amp upgrade thread (HT5R vs E530)

    Hey all, Sorry for the wall of text you're about to see... I need a fairly low-wattage amp for bedroom practice to upgrade from my Vypyr, which I think sounds pretty poor. I've been searching round the internet for a while now, trying to answer this. Trouble is, all the info I find seems to...
  7. N

    Is there something wrong with my engl e530 or am I just stupid?

    So heres the deal I've had my e530 pre for a while now and I haven't been happy with the tone, its got to the point where I have to do something. I have a really nasty/weak/shrill/lifeless tone and I can't figure out how to fix it. Rundown of my rig schecter hellraiser isp decimator engl...
  8. thesimo

    ENGL e530 preamp

    Brief & Accurate Description of gear: Bought it, kept it in a rack for about a year, played < 20 times. Zero rack rash. Modifications : none Accessories: none Location : Belfast, Northern Ireland. Will ship to mainland UK/Ireland Contact Info : thesimo[AT]gmail.com References : see sales...