engl e570

  1. Cobhc221

    Recording DI with my Engl SE E570 Pre

    im not the greatest at making songs (recording wise) so go easy on me cause i am recording D.I so noooo cab impulses. i did do some magic by putting come compression on the guitars and making the lead shine a bit more with a smidgit of gain. Guitars are panned hard left and hard right...
  2. M

    Nearly 10 year old ENGL preamp

    Hi guys, needing your sage advice :) I'm considering jumping the gun on a nearly 10 year old ENGL e570 preamp. :bowdown: However I'm concerned that its age will give me more problems than it should. It looks clean on the outside... I haven't seen it in person but the description mentions no...
  3. Cobhc221

    NCD: Engl E412 Pro XXL

    this thing is a fuxking monster. theres so much clarity now! my invader sound tighter and more percussive. im glad to say that im done buying amps (ATM). i got it for $600 off a guy and im so glad he was chill about doing payments. its time for STEREO time.
  4. Cobhc221


    im very excited to now own 2 of the most expensive amps engl makes the Engl Invader and the SE Preamp. these things drive everything i like about full bore metal tones to snappy cleans to Ac/Dc crunch tones. i cant wait to own the poweramp i have on hold as well! hopefully i can...
  5. Cobhc221

    Sooo.....i played a vader 4x12

    i went into my local Guitar Center and i was about to go to the " Loud Lounge" and boom this huge ....ing cab was there. not only was it beat to shit it still sounded amazing through my Engl Special Edition preamp/ Engl 850/50 poweramp rig. overall at first i hated it for the amount of...
  6. Cobhc221

    GEAR FIND ALERT! Engl Rack setup for only $1900

    soooooo i was strolling into my local guitar center to buy a used Engl Z-9 footswitch my buddie Josh told me about. this had me really bothered cause i was wondering the entire time WHY there was an Engl Z-9 there in the display case.... so i further marched to the loud Lounge and saw what...
  7. M

    Engl e570 buying advice

    Hey guys, Looking for your wisdom here! :wavey: Recently a used ENGL e570 popped up in my area. It's 5 years old and the guy's asking 2/3 of its price new. Supposedly it is in good condition (haven't seen pics though) and has been kept in a rack. Do you think it's a good deal ? How...

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