
  1. Xiphos804

    ERRA - Nigh to Silence (Cover)

    Been really digging ERRA lately. Decided to do a cover of Nigh to Silence. Don't judge the editing too harshly. 😂
  2. kamello

    Hit a plateau, what can I improve in this mix? (Prog-ish Metalcore (?))

    Hi everyone! I began to develop this song for the SSO Weekly Songwritting thread and thought it was a fun idea to fully flesh out. I like it's current state regarding the mix but IMO it's lacking that final 10% to be done with it, im already a bit fatigated working on this so I would love to...
  3. duffbeer33

    New ERRA song

    Great to hear new stuff from these guys. They continue to knock it out of the park!
  4. Bucketheadtwo

    Pickups For A Low-Tuned 7 (8 String Range)

    I'm looking for new pickups to put in my Ibanez RGDIR7M. It's a 26.5" scale 7-string with a contoured mahogany body, maple and purple heart 3-piece neck, and birdseye maple board. My guitar happens to be pretty light. My back is thankful for this, but I'm not sure if the light weight is because...
  5. squids

    Erra - Neon (August 10th)

    Announced last night. The clean vocalist definitely has an Anthony Green thing going on. Seems like they are going in the same direction that Drift went in. for fans of veil of maya (false idol in particular)