
  1. SwampWhompa

    Gaining a following in other states?

    This thread's purpose is kinda to ask a simple question, as the thread about pre-sale tickets got me thinking, since my band has kinda fed into the pay-to-play system quite a bit, but, I do understand venues/promoters want to ensure that they make up for losses and get some return on a show, so...
  2. 8

    88 Fingers Edward's Detox

    So, I'm the only member in 88 Fingers Edward currently. I'm from Union County, NC (just like Wretched) and I'm seeking members and also fans. I'm 18. I've been playing guitar for 10 years. Influences include: Periphery, Veil of Maya, After The Burial, The Haarp Machine, This or The Apocalypse...
  3. Prydogga

    Prydogga's Guide to Less Painful Band Networking

    This is my guide for 'Do's and Don'ts' relating mostly to facebook connections and marketing for independent musicians and bands. Hope you can get something from this. :agreed: I'm not going to pretend I know every single in and out about networking and marketing, not for facebook, and...
  4. P


    Hi all, First time with a pod x3 + superior drummer, I used big bottom patch with catharsis impulse like that alexchapel dude, def didn't get same result, I dig it to some agree but at some points the guitars sound like they are coming out of a 10 watt crate shit box. Yeah so if you got any...