first seven

  1. N

    First seven string

    Hi For ten years I've played my Jackson rr24m and i love it but I've wanted a new guitar for some time, been mulling it over for past few months and feel like i have to pull the trigger on it. After months of looking at thomann and gear4music I've kept coming back to the KM7 MK-III I can't...
  2. J

    Any suggestions

    ive decided im gonna get a seven string, but i have basicly no idea which one i want. budget is about £700. active pick ups would be nice but not essicial. I primarily play metal and deathcore guitar. so anyones opinion or advice is welcome. :hbang:
  3. Z

    Wich first seven to buy?!

    Hi there! I'm a new sevenstringer kid and ,of course, i'm looking for my first seven string guitar. So the question is wich is the best 7 string guitar i can buy? If you'd like to help me i can tell you that i'd prefer (not necessary): - mahogany body - neck thru - tone pro bridge With all of...
  4. R

    Got my first 7 string

    I got my first seven string today... A Schecter Loomis signature. It absolutely slays that's all I can really sum up right now. I ordered it without playing one (I know it's Risky)from the Ebay store "Stringsandthings" and it arrived in perfect condition, and blew away every expectation I...