free jazz

  1. owenmakesstuff

    Experimental frantic stuff with 7-strings and 8-strings

    Hi peeps! I just finished up this weird free jazz metal EP with a buddy of mine. I did guitars and drums and mixed the entire thing. We took an evening per writing and recording a song; then I had to make all the different guitars tones match...
  2. owenmakesstuff

    Math/Noise/Free Jazz/Grind with a 7-string

    Hey guys, Not what I usually make exclusively, so I figured it'd be cool to post this here since I used a 7-string on this song: For fans of John Zorn, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Fantomas, etc. (we're...
  3. DXL

    Free Jazz

    I'm back with another thread to try and find some good music, this time I'm looking for free-jazz, help me out here guys Example:
  4. Forresterc

    Free Jazz

    So i'm taking an intro to Jazz class at UNC, and we've gotten to Free Jazz. I searched the threads here and was surprised to find nothing on it. I'd really like to hear what y'all think about it. For those of you who'd like some clarification on Free Jazz, it is an emphasis on freedom of...

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