full stack

  1. sleewell

    NCD Orange 4x12!!

    Picked this beast up last week. Finally got to crank it last night. Was mega fun. It's a little older, from the 90s so it has the 75s and not v30s. Love it. Mixes great with the k85s in my top cab. Seems to be made really well and the speakers are broken in nicely. I'd been looking for a...
  2. R

    New Mesa cab full stack help

    Hi there, I just bought a mesa cab with v30s to go with my orange PPC4x12HP8 which has K100 speakers in it. My amp is a Bugera 333xl. Both cabs to my knowledge are 8ohm cabs. I'm trying to run a full stack so here is my dilemma. The orange cab runs 16ohms stereo instead of 4 ohms like normal...