
  1. Txus Rosa

    Fame & Fury. A new Drum Library from Hertz Drums

    Hey mates!! Here comes a new Drum Library for Hertz Drums, Fame & Fury. This time the new library is for modern metal fans. You could recreated Periphery, BMTH, Killswitch Engage or A day to Remember drum sounds. In my opinion sounds really great, punchy and perfect for this metal genre, and...
  2. Tjore

    The GOAT of metal drum samples (HYPE)

    Just tested out Mixwave: Gojira, and guys, these are the BEST mix ready metal drums I've ever come accross. Check the demo at the top! ^ I tweaked a little bit in the UI, added a quick EQ and a compressor (Softube's FET) on the bus, and that's it. It sounds sick! If you have been lookin at...
  3. E

    7 String Version of Bill Lawrence L500XL?

    Hey all, Looking to swap out my pickups from my 7 String Harley Benton (pretty sure they come stock with Roswell pickups), and I’m looking for something with a similar character to the Bill Lawrence L500XL but obviously for seven string. I’ve heard that the DiMarzio X2N7 comes close but maybe...
  4. alessandroarzilli

    Let's share some of my presets - Neural DSP Archetype Gojira (Download included)

    Hello everybody! Today, I'm going to make some sweet sounding presets using the Neural DSP Archetype Gojira and I'll share them with you! Awesome plugin.....but I'll stick to the NTS suite and Archetype Plini! (Download included in the video's description!)
  5. Boofchuck

    Gojira Cake!

    Hi everyone! I celebrated my birthday with some loved ones this weekend. They got me this badass Gojira cake and I wanted to share it with you. It stole the show haha.
  6. Sumsar

    Gojira tapping style lesson

    Hi guys, did a lesson on how to play the tapping style riffs that is heard in a lot of Gojiras rhytm playing. Hope you dig!
  7. couverdure

    DiMarzio Fortitude (Joe Duplantier signature pickup)

    https://www.dimarzio.com/pickups/vintage-output/fortitude-bridge This comes stock in his new Charvel signature and is paired with a PAF 36th Anniversary in the neck. I'm shocked at how low the pickup's output actually is, especially in the riff at 3:17 of this video. There's quite a lot of...
  8. D

    Cover of Gojira - Flying Whales in the makes

    Hey people! I´ve been making a cover of the aforementioned song and decided to post my progress so far. Any input is greatly appreciated! https://www.dropbox.com/s/d0ph686l0tdoqja/Flying%20Whales%20unfinished.mp3?dl=0 Bass is the Solemn tones Loki split into two tracks. One of the tracks is...
  9. A

    Mooer GE200 metal tones test

    I made a clip testing some metal tones with the GE200, playing various heavy riffs... What do you think?
  10. Basilisk

    New Single from The Invict

    Hey guys! Thought I'd share our brand new song entitled 'My Shrine' taken from our upcoming album “A Sun That Never Sets” which will see its release on November 5th, 2018. :) Hope you like it! Used my Vandermeij Magistra multiscale 7-string guitar all over this record!
  11. AstetikSI

    My band's first single, mixed/mastered by Aure of Uneven Structure

    Check out my band's single from our upcoming Debut EP...would love to hear what everyone thinks. Mixed and mastered by Aure Pereira (previously of Uneven Structure). FFO Gojira, The Contortionist, BTBAM, The Faceless <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay...
  12. Kirill5412

    #SickRiffs || GOJIRA - SILVERA *VIDEO*

    Hello guys! Check out my new video :) Signal Chain: MM JP12 BFR 7 - Line 6 POD HD Pro DAW: Logic Pro X Video editing software: Final Cut Pro X The backing track is produced by K.I.R. Preset: http://presetron.com/presets/10108 Convert to 500, 500x, PRO X, etc ...
  13. Musza

    Jackson USA SLS (rare, blast for Gojira fans)

    Brief & Accurate Description of gear/guitar: Jackson SLS USA. Same guitar that Joe Duplantier from Gojira uses. Great axe and very rare, it was made in very limited series for a short time. Sound wise it's somewhere between a Gibson Les Paul and a Mayones Regius. Very growly, punchy and warm in...
  14. Oske7

    Why do I suck at mastering?

    Whats up dudes? So for the most part, I'm pretty confident with my mixing abilities, but like the title says, my mastering definitely suffers. I'm not too worried about my personal music being super loud, but unfortunately most clients want their tracks to be comparable to everything else out...
  15. T

    New Band TRYLION with EP nr 1

    The song "Trust" from "EP nr 1" by TRYLION https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJ2h1aASb0A Follow us: https://www.facebook.com/trylionband Please leave comments! :hbang:
  16. T

    Trylion - my new band in studio! - djent style/progressive metal - enjoy!

    Check the video footage of recording that took place in AURORA STUDIO! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMddqtlvFzo More about my band www.trylion.net :hbang:
  17. p0ke

    ARGH, Gojiraaaaa!!!!11 :O (new Gojira-inspired riffs)

    I was supposed to work on some melodic riffs today, but my Jackson DK-2 disagreed and gave me these riffs instead :shred: What do you guys think, should I make a full song out of these? And is my tone good enough for this kind of stuff or do I need to tweak it somehow...
  18. hk_golgatha

    Swung/Straight Switch w/ Corresponding Tempo Jump

    I was curious about opinions on a certain technique that can be hard to describe with words. Basically it involves playing at a certain tempo in straight 4/4, moving into a section at the same tempo but with swung 4/4, and then taking your swung sixteenth notes and jumping the tempo up so that...
  19. Mprinsje

    Gojira-toxic garbage island cover/tone chasin'

    so dudes, i really like the The way of all flesh record, favorite song is TGI. I decided it would be fun to record it and see what you guys think about the guitar tone. (it's probably not 100% accurate:lol:) https://soundcloud.com/mprinsje/toxicgarbageisl/s-9G4bG
  20. Damnation

    Les Paul Pickup Advice (For Metal Primarily) PICS

    ALL THOUGHTS ARE WELCOMED AND APPRECIATED! :hbang: I've searched around a LOT on this forum and others reading similar Les Paul pickup threads, with everybody's goal of simply improving their sound, or with a classic rock goal with maybe some metal. I on the other hand, have a goal of...