
  1. Winspear

    Vik Domineer 9 string multiscale build

    So the time has come! After a lovely short wait time of less than 3 months, our 9 string build has begun :agreed: Here is the build thread but I'll paste some stuff here ViK Guitars Domineer 9FF TW CS For those unfamiliar with the Domineer shape; I am really glad Vik happened to send me...
  2. A

    Bulbs meaty solo tone

    does anybody know how to get that clean Mid-y solo tone from 'Jetpacks was yes' (1m55s)? ive been trying to get something close on PF Platinum to no avail. halp mee!?
  3. Psychoface

    Anyone Know This Ibanez?

    Video For Mushroomhead's ''1200'' I just want to know which guitar 'Gravy' (El Guitarist) Is Playing.. Its Pretty Sexy:fawk: P.s. Dont care if you dont like MRH :lol: