hosking industries

  1. Wretched

    Karnivool gig photos and review!

    Australia's amazing Karnivool played their last show before entering the studio for album three on Dec 29, 2012. I was there shooting for Lifemusicmedia.com and have just uploaded the pics and review to my own blog now. Below are some pics and here's a link to the review: Live Music: Karnivool @...
  2. Wretched

    Mnemic gig pics and review

    Got to see Mnemic up close and personal at the Sandringham Hotel in Sydney on the 20th of October. They were headlining the Whiplash Festival and with no mosh barriers and only a pretty small crowd, it was a very intimate affair. Below are some pics from Mnemic's set and a few other Australian...
  3. Wretched

    Lostprophets live gallery

    Hey again everyone. Thought I'd post some shots I took at the Lostprophets gig at Sydney's Metro Theatre on February 28, 2012. I was there for Hysteria magazine and they were supported by Kids in Glass Houses and Versaemerge. None of them are really my kind of thing, but they all put on good...
  4. Wretched

    My first band shoot - with Gojira!

    I’d been wanting to get into doing band promo shoots since going freelance back at the start of 2010. While I hadn’t made much of an effort to get out there and drum up that kind of business, it was definitely something on my to-do list. Last week, I got my chance to dip a toe in...
  5. Wretched

    Blind Guardian @ Metro in Sydney

    Had the pleasure of shooting Germany's power metallers Blind Guardian at the Metro Theatre in Sydney at the end of September. Was a good show, supported by Australia's Black Majesty. I've uploaded a gallery onto my Flickr page for anyone that's interested: Blind Guardian @ Metro Theatre, Sydney...
  6. Wretched

    Review and gallery: Suicide Silence @ Sydney 10.09.11

    Hey everyone, I got to shoot the recent Suicide Silence gig at the Bald Faced Stag Hotel in Sydney on Saturday 10th Sept and reviewed it for theAUreview.com. I've not got the review and pics on my own blog/Flickr if you want to check out the images. There's 23 of them online and here's a...
  7. Wretched

    One of my shots in Premier Guitar!

    One of the shots I took at the recent Helmet gig in Sydney ended up in this month's issue of Premier Guitar magazine! You can see it in the online version by clicking here: Premier Guitar - September 2011 You can view the entire gallery here: Helmet + Pangaea - Manning Bar 24.06.11 - a set on...
  8. Wretched

    What would you ask John 5?

    Hey again, I'm interviewing John 5 on Wednesday and have a bunch of questions to ask him. However, I'm always interested in seeing what kinds of things other people would like to ask - the trainspotters especially always seem to have interesting stuff they want to know. So? What would you...
  9. Wretched

    Who wants to see Slash in Sydney on Aug 16?

    Anyone itching to see Slash at the Hordern on August 16, but don't have a ticket? Perhaps you can't afford the door charge? I've got a spare ticket that I'm willing to give away to the first person that can tell me (via PM) how many photos I took at the recent MotorEx event at Sydney Olympic...
  10. Wretched

    Interview with Matt Tuck from Bullet for My Valentine

    I spent 20 minutes on the phone with Matt Tuck from Bullet for My Valentine a couple weeks ago, about 800 words of which ended up Reverb Street Press in Newcastle, Australia. I didn't want the other 2000-odd words to go to waste, so you can find the entire interview online here...
  11. Wretched

    New audio interview with Jeff Waters from Annihilator

    Hey guys. My interview with Jeff Waters went really well and I ended up chatting to him for just over 30 minutes; which is about 50% more than most phone interviews go for. We discussed the band's past, present and future, as well as his writing style, recording processes, the gear he used...
  12. Wretched

    Pics from the Train show at Enmore Theatre

    Went to the Train gig (you know, that pop/rock Top 40 band full of old guys) at the Enmore Theatre last night to take pics for lifemusicmedia.com. Check out some of the results. Feedback would be awesome. Just getting back into live pics and am still finding my feet. Full gallery HERE.
  13. Wretched

    Jeff Martin (Tea Party) Interview

    Hey folks, The link below will take you to a new audio interview I did this week with ex-Tea Party frontman Jeff Martin; who is now an Australian resident and prolific solo artist. I talked to him about his influences, friendship with Jimmy Page, his newest group The Armada and his upcoming...
  14. sakeido

    The Tesseract Megathread: Sonder Released

    MySpace.com - TesseracT - Milton Keynes / Reading, UK - Metal / Progressive / Experimental - www.myspace.com/tesseract WOW Bulb mixed with Pink Floyd plus awesome production makes these guys