
  1. neurosis

    How do you calculate import taxes on guitars?

    Simple question but doesn't seem to have an easy answer. Looking around here and other pages I can't wrap my head around it. Isn't there a percentage or specific ratio that's official? Looks like it depends greatly on how the guitar or other gear are sent and from where the package is coming...
  2. chipchappy

    Importing a bass from the netherlands

    Hey Folks, I'm in the states and I have my eye on this guy: But I dont know whats involved in importing something like this? Could someone school me on what that entails? costs? things to look out...
  3. neurosis

    Cost and options to bring my Caparison to the US

    Hello all. As some of you know I moved to the US indefinitely a while back. On my last trip in December I wanted to take my Dellinger home with me but shit happening at the airport and stress over other things made my alarms go off and I decided to avoid the hassle and leave the guitar behind. I...
  4. C

    Importing Agile Guitars to UK

    Hey all, i know a lot of you here have Agile guitars. Im in England and im interested in the Agile Interceptor Pro 727. How much does it end up costing once its here? I know what the guitar+shipping is from Rondo Music, but how do i work out everything else? Any help massively...
  5. tommychains

    Is it possible to order guitars online from other countries?

    not sure if this is the right place for it, but here it goes. After a few years debating it, I'm leaning towards getting a guitar from japan itself. By that i mean going on Ibanez's or ESP's Japanese site and ordering a japan exclusive model. The cost is a hell of a lot, so it won't be anytime...
  6. S

    Agile Pendulum 72527

    It's on the site for $400, and while I've heard nothing but praise for Agiles, something's telling me that this is a little too cheap for a fanned 7 of decent build quality. Has anyone got one of these or similar that can shed some light on the issue? As I'm in the UK it's going to cost around...
  7. caparison_x

    Official Import Taxes Thread *for sending gifts*

    I would very much like it if any of you guys from countries other then the UK could find info on the import taxes on gifts TO your country. (ie what the recipients tax liability is upon receiving a gift in the mail) The Idea is that forumites have a resource for their pals when sending gifts...
  8. amonb

    Importing 7s and parts into Australia

    A thread from fellow Aussie member Pirelli triggered me to start this. I know it may have limited appeal but I know there is a dedicated group of Aussies who love this site and unfortunately our location means we can't as readily join in on the sales to-and-fro as our European and American...