
  1. Joan Maal

    Best 8-string intros and riffs ...

    In this Spotify list I'm collecting the best intros and riffs for 8-string guitar. Obviously, it is a personal selection and I use it to practice and get new ideas. I invite you to post your favorites
  2. O

    Yo, from Florida~

    Alright, so I've been lurking for, like, ever. So I guess I'll do an intro thingy because this community is consistently really nice. I'm Cody, I go to UCF. I play guitar when I get bored from doing homework or get tired of doing research. So, I play guitar a lot, lol. I pretty much started my...
  3. T


    Hey all. Just wanted to introduce myself. Stumbled onto this site looking up random Ibanez stuff, and decided it'd be a good idea to join. I've been playing about 20 years now, but just bought my first seven string a little over a year ago. An Ibanez RG927, the all black model. I feel...
  4. Muramasa

    Rumble from Down Under... well, the south anyways

    Hey guys. I'm Zach. I'm from a small town in Kentucky. I just recently got into the production game and am mostly working through my laptop. I'm still learning, but I've been having fun! I work mostly on solo things and fun covers, but I help write guitar/play bass in a death metal band...
  5. P

    Bad at summing myself up.

    Names Vernon. Always found it hard to stay active on a forum. But in doing research I always end up here. I like learning and exchanging info. I ve been playing guitar for about 15 years. Mainly a jackson guy. Been enjoying my Ibanez 7 string and this washburn x50profe. I enjoy laughter. Band...
  6. benjaminbuisine

    Trouble with ezdrummer export in live intro 8

    Hello there, I use Live Intro 8, and I've Toontrack EZDrummer on it, on a midi track, in the horizontal mode Inside live, it works really well ... ... BUT ... when I want to export my project in wav, I realize that the drum sounds are barely a "8-bit midi sound-a-like". My questions are : -...
  7. T

    First song/Intro for my band In the Flesh- Feedback

    This is our first song/intro called Enslaved that is the first on our demo that were working on and we would like to have some feedback as to what you think on it so far. More to come! Thank you! Links to Song on Youtube and Facebook page below. In The Flesh | Facebook
  8. Hourglass1117

    Barren Branches upcoming FREE EP intro track - String orchestra + Boy's Chorus FTW

    That's right, this is going to be the intro track to my EP, which will be free. It's a free ep, or as I like to call it, a freeep. :D Tell me if this achieves the amount of epic I was going for. A couple things to note: - All tracks were tracked with a PRS Tremonti direct into an AxeFX. - The...
  9. The Beard

    Need Help With Tabbing Something By Ear (Periphery Content)

    I'm in need of some help from someone who's good with tabbing out drum parts and can help me transcribe the little fill that Matt Halpern does 8 seconds into this video of him and Bulb jamming their live intro. I'm trying my hand at recording their live intro myself, but can't seem to...
  10. Kyle Tracy

    New Guy

    Hello, cool forum and site we have here. I'm new to owning a seven string, so far I love it. I bought a used Ibanez RG7321 in a local shop for $150.00 and it's my favorite guitar right now. I'm sure I'll either upgrade this thing or save up and get something I really want. Anyways, It's been...