
  1. submergedindirt

    Which one to get rid of? Peavey or Peavey?

    Hello all, I'm hoping to get some opinions or thoughts to help me decide which of these 2 amps to be rid of. Peavey 6505+ or Peavey JSX (I think I already know the obvious answer for most people but hear me out) The 6505+ is my 4th iteration of this amp that I've owned. I don't really get...
  2. R

    Jsx vs. V3

    Alright so heres the dealio. Dont trust my beat up b-52 at100 for live gigs and im tired of it sounding so harsh. Dont get me wrong it is a badass mother ....er but its developing some problems and the Tone just isnt what im after. For those of you thay dont know its like a Marshall/mesa tri-rec...
  3. F


    Peavey JSX problem - YouTube I'm very new here and need urgent help trying to figure out what is wrong with my JSX, I heard there are a bunch of people here who know a ton about amps so I'm hoping you can help me out. So my problem is that no matter what the settings are, send/return levels...
  4. glp1996

    Bugera 333xl vs 6262

    Which is a better high gain amp? For Metalcore-ish stuff. I know the 333xl is based off the Peavey JSX and the 6262 is based off the 6505+. I don't want to have to use an overdrive in front of it.
  5. FretWizard88

    Egnater Renedage / Tourmaster or Peavey JSX

    I am currently playing through a Peavey JSX and have grown a little tired of it. I am very interested in what Egnater has to offer, especially the Renegade and Tourmaster heads. Does anybody have any input for me as to how loud these amps can get, and also how versatile they are. Thanks a...
  6. L

    Peavey JSX, looking for cab and a way to record.

    Hey, I have a Peavey JSX, but sadly no cab, and I was wondering what should I get as a cab? I was thinking along the lines of a mesa/orange 2x12/4x12, but I heard that celestion g12K-100's are also really good, but sadly not found in most cabs. My budget is as low a possible, as long as I won't...
  7. FretWizard88

    Demo with new Audiobox and Sennheiser e609.

    This is just a little :40 demo I did with my new setup. There was no mixing done. I just recorded in garageband with EzDrummer. Fretwizard88 - Wolves in the Den on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free
  8. FretWizard88

    Looking to buy an Orange Cab

    So here is my dilemma. I would like to sell my 2 Peavey XXX Cabs and buy either an Orange 2x12 or a 4x12. I would prefer the 2x12 due to the fact that it is smaller and takes up less space, but I am worried about it not being loud enough. I plan on running it through my JSX. If anyone...
  9. FretWizard88

    Pricing for my JSX and XXX cab.

    Ok, so I really want to get a ENGL Powerball, with an Orange 4x12, but I must first sell my JSX head and XXX Cab. I know the head sells anywhere from $750 - $1000 (Used) and the Cab goes for like $350 (Used). I was thinking of selling it for about $1300. This seems like a fair price to me but...
  10. budda

    Peavey JSX head and XXX Straight cab

    Brief & Accurate Description of gear/guitar: Peavey JSX head running all JJ 12AX7's and 2 JJ 6L6's at 60W, power tubes were put in this spring. The amp is missing the gain knob on the crunch channel but the pot is still useable, the amp works 100% and sounds as good as new. 3 channels...
  11. FretWizard88

    Hello from New Franken, Wisconsin

    Hey there all you sevenstringers, just dropping by to say hello and tell you a little about myself. I play Ernie Ball Music Man 7 strings and for 6 strings i use Deluxe Ash Fenders. I run through a Peavey JSX Head, XXX Cab, and I am using Boss Chorus Ensemble, MXR Script Phase 90, DD-6 Delay...
  12. WarriorOfMetal

    Spent the day in the studio today... (incl. pics)

    Dan and I were tracking some guitars for a song that will eventually be on the next Shroud of Bereavement album....i'm really excited about this, even the rough mix that we brought home sounds much better than anything Shroud has released before, and it doesn't even have vocals or strings yet...
  13. budda

    Tomorrow: VHT Deliverance 120, VHT CLX, and a lot of PRS!

    So tomorrow afternoon im making a 1-hr drive w/ the JSX rig and testing out a few guitars and a few VHT's. I'll let you guys know what i think of 'em. Deliverance 120 (2x?) CLX Combos into 212 cabs PRS Custom 24 PRS Standard 22? and other stuff - if i can find the pic of his guitar...
  14. budda

    Ah, tweaking.. thanks Joe

    Don't you guys just LOVE it when you have a great sound dialed in.. decide to do some fiddling just for kicks, and it improves? :D :bowdown: I was playin the LP today, just bustin out some riffery as per usual. decided to stick the TS into "TS808" mode, and up the drive. not bad. took out...
  15. budda

    New clips!

    finally figured out a way to export files as mp3, thanks stitch! C7/JSX/JoBo clips in the recording section, if anyone is interested. cheers guys :wavey:
  16. budda

    Eurotubers KT77 kit came in!

    So, i got the tubes for the JSX: hell. fuckin. yeah. I Just install the the 12AX7's (didnt know how to get those damn covers off), but here's what i found with the KT77's in alone: - the clean channel warmed up - incredibly tight low end - there is very little "thump" - very...
  17. 7 Dying Trees

    JSX regains favour

    Well, couldn't be arsed to drag the rack along to rehearsal yesterday, so brought along the JSX. Patched the FX loop to increase the volume hitting the power stage, and wow, that makes so much difference! Really got a nice sound out of it that i was happy with. Loud, cut through, and...
  18. 7 Dying Trees

    JSX Volume

    Ok, so I've noticed that the JSX on it's own really does not get that loud. For a supposed 120W it's not really got that much output, i mean, running both channels on 10, and the master volume pretty much 90% of the way up should level small cities, but it just doesn't. On the other hand, i run...
  19. skattabrain

    Tube life

    i've had my JSX about 10 months and the for the past few weeks the head just isn't doing it for me ... and i was in love with this amp up until then. this is my first tube head, so i'm not sure if it's the tubes are going or my ears are playing tricks on me because i have some very materialistic...
  20. GWD

    My Peavey Triple XXX Rips!!...what gives...must be magic

    I was contemplating between a Peavey XXX 60W combo, Valveking combo and a B-52 for sometime. Found a good deal on the XXX and with a push from some helpful forum members I made the plunge. My findings: The amp sounded better than what I expected when I got it (since I read many bad reviews...