leandro =/= vaginal odor

  1. Prydogga

    Thanks Alex, for feedback

    Hope this isnt a repost, nor the end of Alex's changes :) Feedback in our mini profiles! :hbang: Edit: I spoke too soon, correct sig alignment and text size! Edit 2: No I do not mean Alex as in myself :lol:
  2. leftyguitarjoe

    Woman utters epic line in arrest report

    NWS language I laughed. Hard. Woman Utters Line Never Previously Recorded In A Police Report | The Smoking Gun And the very first word in the article is my band :hbang::hbang:
  3. josh pelican

    Christmas Cards

    This year I have decided to send out Christmas cards. This is the first year I've done this. Right now I have 18 but will be getting more this weekend. Please send me a private message with your mailing address (or post it here if you're crazy) and we'll see who is worthy of actually getting...