
  1. dropkickproductiontx

    Do these drums sound programmed to you?

    Hey guys I just wanted to know if you thought the drums I programmed for this song I just finished sound programmed or real to you? What's your opinion?
  2. dropkickproductiontx

    Could you critique my song?

    Hey guys, I posted an unfinished version of this song a few days ago asking for help with mixing. Now, it's finished, and I'm pretty sure I've worked out most of the kinks, but I'm not entirely sure. Could you guys possibly critique me on my mixing, mastering, and playing/songwriting? Keep in...
  3. The Munk

    Scary statistics!

    The Fifty-Year Soaring Cost To Raise A Child | 24/7 WallSt: The Fifty-Year Soaring Cost To Raise A Child |
  4. synrgy

    Another Beautiful Example of Music's Power

    Almost makes me wanna cry. Seriously. Music transcends humanity. I figured there would be a bunch of you here who would appreciate this. If it should have been posted somewhere else, I apologize.
  5. sunbasket

    A Novel Introduction to a Fine Gentleman

    Is this thing on? *tap tap* Ahem. A-ha-ha-hem. Hey all. Name's Joel and I'm a 25-y.o. musician / level designer / artist hailing from Vancouver, Kanada. I'm a relative noob to this community, but I've been creepin' for a few months. I stumbled upon it and thought holy shit, there's just...
  6. FretWizard88

    I'm a spoiled little bitch...

    So lately I've come to realize that I am a spoiled little bitch. My parents pay half of my College Tuition, I work for my Uncle who pays me $200 a week no matter what, I work as a mail man and make quite a bit of money there as well. I don't pay my own car insurance, I don't pay rent, I have a...
  7. C

    Forum Regulars... "Getting a Life"

    OK, so it's highly ironic that this is an online forum thread, but here goes... It's something that I've been thinking about quite a lot recently. I've been told to (brace yourself for those horrible words) "get a life" by one of my closest friends for frequenting an online forum. Apparently...
  8. willybman

    Last day of highschool.

    is tomorrow. im a junior but im graduating a year early. i have no clue what happened to the time. It seams like only a few weeks ago I was a puny freshman lost in the halls. i have changed quite a bit, from a shy little nerdy kid with hardly any friends, to an outgoing young adult with...