line 6 helix

  1. O

    2022 Multi-FX Processors: What's Out There?

    So, I'm transforming my rack, just bought a Synergy Syn5050 power amp to replace my Mesa 2:fifty because it has less real state in the rack. Then I'm instantly thinking about swapping my G-Force for something else with send/return loops, so I can manage some FXs in front of the Triaxis. I'm...
  2. Krazy Kalle

    Starting to build my home studio, what do I need?

    So I finally want to record in my living room. All I have so far, besides the instruments, is a Line 6 Helix LT. My first question would be: Do I need an additional USB Interface? I'm thinking about ordering a Focusrite Scarlett Solo 3rd Gen, but I do I really need it? I'm planning on...
  3. Aura Fragment

    Hi there!

    I didn't create a presentation post so... New to this forum! My name's Javier and I'm from Madrid, Spain. I've been playing since I was 14, and right now I'm releasing my first solo album Aura Fragment (instrumental/ambient metal). Created a topic about it, the full album is available on all...
  4. Aura Fragment

    Aura Fragment - Yes! Another solo album!

    Hi there! I'm new to this forum and I wanted to introduce myself and show you my project! My name is Javier and I am from Madrid, Spain. I've been playing guitar since I was 14 and also I studied sound engineering. For a long time I've been in some bands but I wanted also to record my own...
  5. Dizzzzerek

    Peavey Invective paired with Helix

    I have recently purchased a Peavey Invective 120 Guitar head. I also have the Helix lt and was wondering if anybody has paired the 2 up yet and what were the results?
  6. PariahMusic

    Tubes...Modelers...Pedals...Solid State?

    A shootout of all of the above!
  7. vent187


    mod edit: nope, posting about counterfeit guitars that are actually including a forged logo is over the line and will be deleted as it is illegal in the US