
  1. thoughtpyotr

    Ethics in Promotion?

    So I recently did a fuax social experiment. I created 2 identical posts; one had a relevant title and the other had a title with a purposely incendiary title. I tallied the amount of responses for each and guess what? Tepid Title: 0 responses Incendiary Title: 47 responses I did this to...
  2. zerofocus

    #BANTERtalk - Marketing Series

    Hi Everyone so I work at Banter Media, a marketing/media company, as a Producer/videographer and we have just bought back a series we did online for marketing I know a lot of people here run business (or even Bands could use some of this stuff) so I figured I'd Start a thread as I'd love...
  3. A

    I would like to get your opinions on a strange subject

    I would like to get some discussion going on a topic I know nothing about. Promotions. How many of you have finished an album and tried to promote it? How did you go about it? I would like to get some feedback from people who have finished work and can make suggestions for a one-man...
  4. taysil11

    Music marketing!

    Sorry if this is out of place, but I don't think there's a board for these questions. So how do you guys typically market music for your bands? Assuming the music is good, no one is going to hear it unless it goes out there. There are the typical distribution mediums such as Facebook...
  5. N

    Anybody Up For An Adventure?

    Hey Guys, I have been a long time follower of this site as well as a long time fan of extended range guitars and standards as well. I am currently in the process of possibly putting together or developing a marketing plan that would allow me and a few investors "skilled crafstmen" to start a...
  6. Prydogga

    Prydogga's Guide to Less Painful Band Networking

    This is my guide for 'Do's and Don'ts' relating mostly to facebook connections and marketing for independent musicians and bands. Hope you can get something from this. :agreed: I'm not going to pretend I know every single in and out about networking and marketing, not for facebook, and...