marshall 2x12

  1. J

    Marshall JVMC212 2x12 Cab Question

    Hello Guys, I'm about to buy this used cab for a fairly price. But I have never listened to it before and I'm not able to test it myself before buying it. The specs says that it has 1 x Heritage, 1 x Vintage both labeled "by Marshall", so I'm not complete sure how it will sound after all...
  2. Bloodshredder

    NAD - Laney GH50L

    Actually it should be called "NOAD" (New Old Amp Day), as my newest addition was built in 1994. The Marshall cab that came with it should be around the same age. Quick backstory: The singer of my band dug out all his retired gear from past projects. Since he had no use for all the gear (BC...