marshall valvestate

  1. Rizzo

    Marshall Valvestate 8100, yay or nay?

    Hey there, as a 90s metal tone nostalgic and long time Death super fan, I'm used to an ongoing GAS for the above mentioned valvestate 8100, always fading and coming back from year to year since forever. Which leads me to the compulsive search for one every time it strikes. Internet pic for...
  2. E

    Marshall Valvestate Footswich

    Hey fellow seven stringers, I'm buying a used Marshall VS102R on Thursday but the guy doesn't have a footswitch with it. It's a 3 channel amp and I do need the switch so I was wondering if I could just buy one of the $35 Apex 3 way switches or do I need a specific one? Apex Switch Apex Three...