math rock

  1. oremus91

    Clean and low gain 7 string bands/songs?

    Exploring cleans and lower gain more the past few years. Years ago there were bands like scale the summit, yvette young's early music, and some other bands that had a lot of clean and low gain sorts of tones on 7 strings, but even though the 7 string is still having it's moment, I don't really...
  2. PietrOo

    Quick question about telecasters and tuning changing

    Hey everyone. I was thinking of getting a telecaster because I play in a lot of those midwest emo type open tunings like DADGAD DADF#AE FAGCBE etc etc and I change between them often. Is it worth it and more importantly for example if I were doing a live set could I change between tunings on the...
  3. PietrOo

    What are your favorite weirdo tunings that you use?

    I'll go first Lately I've been writing some stuff in DADGAD, EAEG#BE and DADEAC#
  4. jaco815

    Math Rock - Ent Tribute Album (Carson McWhirter - the legend)

    Hey folks I haven't posted here in a long time, but I thought I'd share my band's tribute album to the great early 2000's central California math/prog rock band Ent. They were an amazing band that ultimately had a huge impact on math rock as a genre and had an enormous impact on me as a...
  5. TheVenusDeMelos

    The Venus De Melos - "Aloha" Guitar Playthrough (XEN Evolution 6 guitar)

    Hey, My project The Venus De Melos dropped its Sophomore album "Fatty (Deluxe Edition)" last week and here is the guitar playthrough for the single "Aloha" off of it! I would love your opinion of the music/video; All feedback is welcome! Here is the link (just in case the embed...
  6. zerofocus

    Looking for 2nd Math Rock guitarist in North West UK

    Hi So me and a couple of friends are getting together to write/release a math rock album this year and are looking for a potential second guitarist to join us, its not a serious project as we are all really busy and are just doing this as creative outlet kinda thing Influences: Animals as...
  7. AugmentedFourth

    Finished my 2nd album, free DL on Bandcamp - FFO: AAL, Bach, King Crimson, Debussy

    Trivalent - Norms and Values Hey y'all, just wanted to, um, shamelessly plug my new album. If you wanna check out my first one, I made a thread on here back then. This one may, or may not, have gotten even nerdier with the album concept. All guitar sounds created running a...
  8. lhoffl

    8 string math rock featuring weird sounds, odd times and clean vocals!

    Hey all! Just finished my first EP and I couldn't be more excited! As the title says it has a ton of weird sounds and odd time grooves. My main inspirations have been Tera Melos, TTNG, Tigran Hamaysan and Delta Sleep. You can check it out here: and here's my...
  9. bautista

    Help with editing guitars

    Hey guys, I wrote a math/progressive rock/metal EP (16 minute long aprox) but guitars need to be quantized and I have no idea how to do it. Is anybody down to do it for free? Or at least explaining me step by step (real noob). Thanks.
  10. lhoffl

    New 8 string piece featuring clean tapping, odd grooves and weird sounds!

    Just got a couple new pedals and was getting some cool sounds out of the them so I made a playthrough of a new song. It's very Tera Melos, TTNG, and CHON influenced with a lot of odd meter grooves. I'm pretty excited about it but please let me know what you think!
  11. TheVenusDeMelos

    The Venus De Melos - Shores of Time (XEN 8 string guitar play-through)

    Hey, Fecking Bahamas (a Math-Rock blog) has just released my guitar play-through for one my original tracks: Shores of Time. It is my first guitar play-through and video editing job so any feedback would be greatly appreciated. This video was filmed on Brighton Beach in Brooklyn, NY...
  12. TheVenusDeMelos

    Proggy Math-Rock with Vocals(One man band)ffo:The Mars Volta,The Fall of Troy,AAL

    Hey, My project The Venus De Melos dropped its debut album "NOVO" last week. I would love your opinion of the music; All feedback is welcome. All of the sounds on this album were written, played, recorded, programmed, mixed and mastered by me...
  13. L

    CHON-Story remix
  14. lhoffl

    My first 8 string piece, featuring clean tapping and odd time grooves! Let me know w! Just got an 8 string about a month ago and have been trying to incorporate all the strings. This piece makes use of a spider capo also and the tuning is EAEBEG#BE. Let me know what you think!
  15. ToMurderAMachine

    New math rock EP

    Selector | To Murder A Machine ^ a new math rock EP. It's free. That Rhymed. Unintentional. Anywho, there's some fun rhythms and such. also, the entire thing was recorded on a fender telecastor in drop B. So I guess that means it is cooler somehow. :hbang:
  16. ToMurderAMachine

    A little Math Rock EP

    I know the mix is terrible, and the music is out there a bit, but I wrote this little EP more so just to see if I could. Eventually I'd like to re-release these tunes with better mixes and such, but in the mean time there's some fancy guitar work to check out. (despite that I'm normally a bass...
  17. ToMurderAMachine

    Get Writers Block For One Day They said....

    It will be fun they said... I threw this together in one day after a day of complete hopeless writers block, After listening to the entire Invalids album, this is what happened... I know the mix isn't all that great yet, i've yet to mix...
  18. D

    Post Rock Instrumental Recording Help

    I've started playing around with Cubase 5 using Superior Drummer and Guitar Rig. Sadly I've no idea where to start when it comes to mixing the tracks e.g. which frequency ranges each instrument should take up, how much reverb/compression/eq tracks should have etc. It's not ideal but I don't...
  19. DXL

    Avant-Garde Prog

    Let this thread be dedicated to finding the most avant-garde band out there. I want to hear the most complex riffs and the strangest time signatures, I'll start it off with a couple of my contributions, but I want to see them beaten: genres expected to be found in this thread...
  20. NickSBTT

    Like Post-Hardcore?

    Hey dudes, its been a long time since I've posted on here. I'm in a new band now and would really appreciate if you took the time to check it out and post your feedback. We're a Post-Hardcore band with some mathy influences. You can listen to it and download it for free here: Riverfox...