
  1. Cheap

    USA Fractal Audio AX8

    Brief & Accurate Description of gear/guitar: Minty USA Fractal Audio AX8 Modifications (if any): NONE Accessories (hardshell case etc): Power & USB Cable Location (City,State or City,Country): Lakemoor, IL International OK? : Buyer pays shipping, I'm not going to fuss around with int'l...
  2. MBMoreno

    Modelers with boost/buffer in front - benefits?

    Hi all I've recently started using the Positive Grid (Bias and JamUp, with a SonicPort, on my iPhone) stuff live, after using it extensively to record (especially at college) with great results (I study production, the teachers are always amazed when I say the guitar was recorded with my...
  3. schecter58

    Digitech GSP1101 vs. Eleven Rack

    I am sure there have been threads in the past on this, but I am looking for people's opinions on the GSP1101 (with upgraded firmware) vs Eleven rack. I currently run a blackstart HT-5 with a 1x12 cabinet, but I am potentially looking at getting rid of my blackstar entirely and going the modeling...
  4. M

    Amp Modelers

    How many of you guys would not be able to record what you do with good results if it weren't for amp modelers/sims such as Guitar Rig, the AXE-FX II, or the Kemper Profiling Amp?
  5. Heavy Ed

    Amp modeler? any suggestions?

    I came into a little money this weekend,(I won $500 on a scratch-off)and I'm considering getting a modeler. I've been looking at the Behringer V-Amp pro for a while, it has good reviews and is cheap on $$$. Anyone use one or know what they're like? Any and all advice is appreciated.