
  1. BenEllerGuitars

    Kemper Profiler does Bark at the Moon solo -Lasse Lammert profile

    One of my favorite hard rock solos ever! Every bit of this thing is classic. Dig it. Using my Kemper Profiler and one of Lasse Lammert's profile he came out with last year called The Grail. Absolutely SICK! With some phaser and EQ it got crazy close to Jake's tone on the original. If you all...
  2. Daf57

    China Lands On The Moon: Historic Robotic Lunar Landing Includes 1st Chinese Rover

    Awesome, good for China!! :yesway: China Lands On The Moon: Historic Robotic Lunar Landing Includes 1st Chinese Rover |
  3. B

    Two dudes in tubes. Tubing gone wrong.!.

    yeaterday 7p.m. My cus and I decide to go tubing in the muskegon river. went from evart to hersey... a 20 minute car ride between the two citys.... 20 mins by car apparently equals about 9 hours on a tube. cus and I spent from 7pm to 3.45am on the river in the water. items were...
  4. phaeded0ut

    One, Two! Lunar Punch!

    Dear all, Wanted to bring this one up as this could once again bring back the strategy of using our Moon as a staging point/jumping-off point for further space exploration. If water is available in this southern region of the moon, this would actually make a lunar station viable. The other...
  5. Roundhouse_Kick

    First Clip - My take on a classic!

    I realised I have been here many a moon but have never actually posted any clips of my music or playing in general. I guess mainly because I'm too lazy to record anything properly hehe. But I had all of today free, so I thought I'd record what I've been working on recently, the under a glass...