
  1. TedEH

    School me on Synthesizers

    Sorry if this is the wrong section for this, wasn't sure where it would go. So! Anyway! On a whim, and out of some kind of curiosity, I picked up a Roland Boutique JX-03 to mess around with. I've always liked the idea of synth and effects and racks of junk you can wire together in cool ways...
  2. G

    I hear vibrations and noises from strap locks

    I have a washburn idol wi66 PROE with emgs, 81 in the bridge 85 in the neck. I have dunlop dual design strap locks on the guitar and Ive noticed when the guitar is plugged in and I am moving around.. I hear squeeks and noises from the metal on metal in the straplocks coming out the amp. I guess...