
  1. Kodee_Kaos

    Weird Guitar Thread

    Post porns of them mutant guitars. ??? Profit!
  2. flint757

    What new scientific research seems rather odd

    Over time there's been tons of research, studies, theories, etc. done and proposed. There are some things we know now through research that at the time probably had laypeople wondering why they'd even bother. Some of those ideas may have had the same reaction from the scientific community only...
  3. C

    First Ever Post to Sevenstring :)

    Recorded a song and wanted some constructive criticism on mix, drums etc. from people I don't know so its more objective and such (I know my playing is bad since I've barely been playing guitar for a few months being a bassist). Also I've been told this is rather odd so if you don't like odd...
  4. StuGe

    Writing in Odd time signatures

    I just wrote some stuff in 7/8 that's pretty metal. (I'm in drop A too) I was just wondering; how many of you guys bother with trying to write in other time signatures than 4/4? And if you have any recordings that i could listen to, sharing would be much appreciated. ty in advance, StuGe.