
  1. owenmakesstuff

    Drum mics

    Hey dudes and dudettes, I'm currently looking to upgrade my mic rig for the drums. What do you recommend? I'm looking at a price range of about 800 bucks for the basics (toms, snare top and bottom). Kick, overheads and rooms, I'm willing to spend a separate budget on. The goal is to achieve...
  2. Oxidation_Shed

    Woe is me, is there no replacement for an expensive drum room?

    Hey dudes, I recently did my first recording with proper drums (up until now I have been using DFH EZX and Metalhead EZX where everything has been done for me) and I have a bit of a problem: my cymbals sound horribly lo-fi and I can't get a sound I like out of them. Now my drummer mic'ed up the...