peavey 6505+ 112

  1. Eden

    6505+112 Combo vs MH

    Hey guys, first time poster here. I've been rocking a peavey 6505+112 combo for a while now, and I love it, but I feel like it's too much power that I need just for practicing, I jam often, but not crazy often because school. I've been looking into the 6505MH lately, and one popped up used at...
  2. NotLukasz

    Best speaker for a 6505+ 112 combo?

    Hi I'm planning in getting a peavey 6505+ 112 combo amp but most people tell me I should get different speakers for them as soon as possible. I was just wondering what people think would be the best choice of speaker for it. Btw in trying to get a good tone for metalcore/deathcore
  3. Genome

    /FT Mesa Mark V Head (US), Orange PPC212, Peavey 6505+ 112 and others (UK/EU)

    Hello! It's a gear bonanza! So, I'm transitioning to an Axe-FX II rig (just for ease of transport and versatility), all gear here works great, sounds great, and is in great condition. ----- For sale: Mesa Boogie Mark V Head (US Model) + step down transformer if needed --- £1500 obo...