pittbull ul

  1. JeffFromMtl

    VHT Pittbull Ultra-Lead

    Brief & Accurate Description of gear/guitar: VHT Pittbull UL. Plain and simple, this is the best amp I've ever had the pleasure of owning or using. Great condition, serial number indicates that it was built in 2008. No issues with the amp, I'm selling it because that's simply what I have to do...
  2. Apex1rg7x

    NAD!!! Pittbull inside!!! 56k*(time to upgrade)

    Hey guys im not doing the whole picstory thing for a couple reasons, im not that fucking creative and i cant stop playing this thing for more than 5 minutes to make one so ill make this short and sweet. Well today i recieved my brand new FRYETTE Pittbull UL and i must say thisthing is a fucking...