
  1. IT'z Roberto

    Helix 3.5 Preset + Demo Thread

    This thread is for those of you who would like to share your presets for the new Helix update. Please post your Preset with a demo of the preset. Please detail the tuning and if you would like, share your gear information. Quick Example. "This is my lead preset, I'm using standard 7 string...
  2. IT'z Roberto

    Is it me or does REAPER (DAW) sound muddy/congested/crammed/flat?

    I have been using reaper for about 2 years, chasing tones and mixing over and over. I can't seem to get it to sound crisp/clear without sounding harsh. But the biggest battle is not sounding congested and muddy. I have tried EQing, panning, stereo wideners, compression, etc etc. It just somehow...
  3. D

    Digitech whammy DT midi programming question

    I use midi programs to change my pitchshifter on the whammy. In the manual I can see what program number each drop has but not how to BYPASS the drop effect. For example: My logic midi session (Drop B) activates the -1 drop effect to A#, further in the song I want to bypass the drop effect to...
  4. B

    Programming w/ MT Power Drummer: Splash Issues

    Hey Guys, I've been using MT Power Drummer to program drums for my songs. And, I was wondering how you guys mix the splash? There doesn't seem to be a specific track for the splash cymbal in the plugin's own mixer. I will show a screen shot below too. So, how do you mix the splash then? I am...
  5. broj15

    Hardware synth/DAW-less electronic music production

    Definitely not this forums forte, but since this is one of the better online music forums I thought I'd see if there was any interest in the topic on here. Wasn't even sure if this should go in the gear sub or the production sub so if mods wanna move it (or delete because this isn't relating to...
  6. asetic

    Dialing in a good snare out of superior drummer.

    I've been really heavily focusing on tightening up my kit in SD this month and I just thought I'd share this with you all. I've always been a fan of really heavy clicky snares but I've never been able to get one due to my lack of mixing knowledge. Now one month later we are here and at least to...
  7. Pinhead

    Reprogramming midi notes??

    I have a fairly cheap electronic drum kit and I want to plug it in to my DAW via midi. Well, once I activate a midi track and put the addictive drums plugin active on the track I hit the drums and they're all backwards. By that I mean the snare ends up coming out as a cymbal, kick pedal is a...
  8. N

    A short video of my "game engine"

    I put together Irrlicht and other libs to get something that I would call a game engine pre-alpha :lol: I don't know if it will interest someone but I just finished implementing the basic physics so I feel like sharing.
  9. Taylord

    Programming Trilian?

    Hey guys, I've been looking into Trilian lately as it seems a lot more consistent and better sounding than tracking with my bass. I don't really do any tabbing and just click in drums in the piano roll. Would using Trilian in the same manner be a lot more tedious or does it have some kind of...
  10. renown7G

    Looking for someone to help with synths/ectronics and mixing/mastering

    Hey guys, I'm looking for someone to help with electronics/synths programming/sounds and mixing and mastering for a few singles my band is hoping to release in a few weeks. We are looking for something pretty good quality wise, but essentially we are crunched for time and would be looking for a...
  11. jamesez501

    Samples **NEED HELP**

    Does anyone know of any good places where I can find individual drums samples as well as cymbals? I need good quality stuff to use for a production. I can't seem to find any. No I will not use superior drummer and other programs like it, simply because I think it takes too long to program them...
  12. Soubi7string

    Need help programming

    ok so as you know my band AORTIC is all death metally and shit. well our drummer is a dick and won't show up for practice and things of that nature. We TRIED playing to the drum tracks we programmed but they're fucked to shit cause we had to play a guessing game from hell with themon whats...
  13. oliviergus

    Need help with drum beat

    Hey! I'm a newbie when it comes down to programming drums, and now i'm stuck on a beat that I just can't get right. Click on the link and go to 0:30, when is he using the snare/kick-drum? And does my tempo mather if the beat is possible or not? Thanks in advance.
  14. jaco815

    New drum mix (Karnivool Sound Awake attempt)

    Here is a drum mix I'm working on for my band's upcoming album/EP. I did this with XLN Audio Addictive Drums using a combination of various expansion packs or"AdPaks" as XLN calls them. This was all done with internal processing within AD (no external routing). Potential Final Drum Mix...
  15. WrathOfGirth

    Wanting to start a project up in London

    Looking to start a good 7 project up. I do a lot of writing myself and have a lot of material I would like to get out there, play live and record with more input than just myself. Going for a progressive, polyrhythmic Tesseract style. It'll always vary with whoever's interested. I've only just...
  16. E

    Two Part Cannon

    Classical meets Metal Drums let me know what you think. <div style="width:473px; border:solid #999999 1px; background-image:url('')"> <a href=''> <div style="background-color:width:460px; height:45px...
  17. Pif

    Free download of Thira's EP!

    Hi guys! Tried to find a thread dedicated to album posts for members' bands, but it seems most people start a thread for each entry. So here we go! My industrial metal band, Thira, just released the digital copy of our EP absolutely free! Here's the link: You can...
  18. guitarplayerone

    Superior 2.0 With Guitar Hero drum controller

    Don't you hate programming those annoying polyrythms in cubase? (what the hell time signature did I just write this riff in?) Don't you wish there was an easier way? Enter the GH and Rockband drum controllers Anyway. this works for me well (PS3 wireless controller). The controller itself...