
  1. Prydogga

    Ads with the Hoff...... Um, okay?

    One of the funniest and slightly eerie ads I've seen for a while :lol:
  2. Prydogga

    Happy birthday to...

    Me! :bday:
  3. X

    Who would you come out of the closet for?

    Come on guys we know a lot of us are gay so for all those who like to suck dick like the mods, are it is time to come out, post a pic of who you think the hottest guy in music is, take pride in your gayness and a mod will be by soon enough to give everyone who posts an appropriate gay avatar...
  4. Prydogga

    That Poor Guitar, That POOR POOR guitar... :( :lol: Okay seriously, I fail at *new* youtube, I miss auto embed :(
  5. leandroab

    NMD - "Type O Negativezation" of my RG7321 (56k=safe)

    After returning from Miami, I finally could mod my 7 to make it more Br00t4lz. First, the "Type O" Mod. This is lime green duck/duct tape: (blurry pics suck, sorry guys!) Now, it's time for some "Meshugganization" Behold, the BIG ASS GAUGE SET FROM HELL!!!!!!! :bowdown: :bowdown: I...
  6. Prydogga

    Isn't it time Horizon's got a thread? come on.

    I'm GASing Horizons, especially IIIs, post 'em, I need a reason to order one. FINE! I'll start. I know the last one isn't a 6 but meh, it's Devy.