
  1. nanthil

    Looking to buy my next Extended guitar, need help!

    6 years ago, I bought a Stephen Carpenter LTD 8 string. To me the tone sounded like a string bolted to a piece of driftwood: Muffled, with no clarity. Clean or distorted, this thing sounded like someone was playing a graham cracker. I didn't enjoy the weight of it, the scale length or the tone...
  2. D

    Deciding on a new guitar!

    Hope it's okay to post this here! So guys - not new here, been watching for years, used to post ages ago, unfortunately don't remember my account or anything however. However, I am deciding on a new guitar, and looking for something out of my usual realm - more modern and "shreddy" (Is that a...
  3. Jhey

    Telecaster type 7 strings

    Hey guys, so I know of a couple of Telecaster type 7 string guitars, but so far ESP seems to have the nicest one(IMO). But I like to check around so I thought maybe someone here knew about something that I haven't seen yet before I pull the trigger on a new guitar! :) So hit me up with the...
  4. A

    Good 7-strings?

    Hey guys, So I have been searching for my first 7 string guitar, and I have mainly been interested in the Schecter Hellraiser C-7 FR and the Schecter banshee-7 FR. I am curious about other 7-string options that are equipped with a Floyd rose that are in the $800-$1000 range. I think I also...
  5. Rizzo

    Confused about an HD500 purchase

    Hi guys, i finally decided to fully go for the digital path, since i've always found myself comfortable with ditital processing and nowadays i don't play much and i simply need something versatile, reliable and easy to carry around. I currently own a Zoom G2 (been owning it for about 7 years...
  6. pettymusic

    Recommend a 7 string to an RA sufferer

    I am on the hunt for a new 7 string. I also suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis so, all joints in both hands, elbows, knees, feet, well.....you get the picture. My current 7 is the Ibanez ARZ307FM ARZ307 | Ibanez guitars While it was an ok intro to 7 strings I think I can find a more...
  7. neurosis

    Still undecided in my search(now considering the Ibanez RGD7421)

    I posted this thread in the morning but I either left my browser open again and dropped off the site or it just got deleted. Since I cannot find my own threat I am posting it again :D Feel free to delete it if it's repeated mods. So. I found out about the Ibanez RGD7421 today. I used the...
  8. I

    Is a Pod Farm 2.5 a good investment?

    My band has recently started recording some material, but we have shitty equipment for everything but the drums. We have thought that the Pod Farm (Platinum specifically) would be a very good investment and drastically improve our sound, however none of us know much about it, and there isn't a...
  9. A

    Multiscale guitars?

    So I've been playing guitar for about 8 years and I've only ever owned a six string, but I'm thinking of buying a seven or eight string in the near future. I've been looking on the Rondo website at the guitars that Agile offers, and I noticed these multiscale guitars. I've never really seen...
  10. beerybobb

    Stimpy Lockjaw Jazz recording

    yes i know this isn't metal So kevin and nick from my band (Ever Forthright) are also in this other jazz/rock band called Stimpy Lockjaw. Check this recording i made and let me know what you think so far (I havent put too much work into this yet)...
  11. S

    WANTED!! (Caparison dellinger 7)

    hey guys i have been searching all over for a caparison dellinger 7 fx pro black or oiled mahogony (new or used). if you or anyone you know has either of these and wishes to sell and is willing to post to australia then hit me up either through a private message or my email at...

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