randall xl cab

  1. Wookieslayer

    4x12 cabs - Peavey VTM w/ K85s, Basson slant, Randall XL w/ H100s

    Hit me up SoCal locals! I need to get rid of at least two of my three 4x12 cabinets... Brief & Accurate Description of gear/guitar: Peavey 4x12 Butcher/VTM cab with Celestion G12K-85 speakers (aka Celestion K-100s before the re-label) (16 ohm cab) Modifications (if any): Accessories...
  2. Wookieslayer

    Blackstar Artisan vs. Mesa Traditional vs. Randall XL 4x12 cab?

    Hey so I've stumbled on a few good deals locally and I needed to get peoples' opinion and comments on experience they've had with these cabs all with Vintage 30's: Blackstar Artisan 412A (slant) Mesa-Boogie Traditional 4x12 (slant) Randall RS412 XL (slant or straight) Obviously I'd be using...

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